From the onset, design has been the key element driven by Urbane’s Managing Director, Steve Gliosca.

“It starts with a conversation, a handshake, an idea … and it becomes so much more as we partner with you to explore the boundaries of what can be. We are constantly excited by the challenge of a new design. Working with every new client awards us the opportunity to gain a fresh perspective, realising there is no limit to what can be.”
Whilst a passionate advocate for the design process, Steve draws immense satisfaction once the construction process has commenced. “Construction is the nexus at Urbane,” says Steve. “It is combining the elements of design with the tangible form of laying the foundations, the commencement of design concept to bricks and mortar, the Journey to Home for our clients.”
“The construction process is always one that continues to ignite the senses – the visual interpretation of all those design decisions now taking form.”
“Urbane are committed to constantly refining our skills, seeking new construction methods and embracing technology, wherever possible, whilst observing core construction principles, to ensure we have the right tools in our repertoire to undertake any project.”
“Whilst it is immensely pleasing to see our timeless, contemporary designs set against the most beautiful backdrops our lovely city of Perth has to offer, it has been the relationships forged with our clients which has provided me with the ultimate sense of accomplishment.”
“The relationships we have created with our family of Urbane clients has brought a deep sense of personal appreciation and satisfaction. I gauge these as the true testament of the success of our Journey to Home with each of our clients.”
Welcome to Urbane, a place where ideas is our reality.
Join us on our journey to create the Urbane of your tomorrow.

Schematic Design
Our design team take the time to move through the process of exploration with each client, formulating a design brief. This investment of time is essential to understand each family - how they live, work, entertain. When coupled with key design principles, there is a successful fusion of design epitomising lifestyle.
Design Development
As our design ideas have merged with our client’s concepts, aspirations, and budget, Urbane commences the formal approvals process of the Journey to ensure the documentation process is meticulous from the onset.
Selections & Contract Documents
Based on the approved design, Urbane continues with the documentation process – engaging specialist services ensuring no details are left to chance.
Contract Administration
Urbane have now completed a full set of detailed, working drawings and have negotiated with our subcontractors and suppliers, to achieve efficiency and best value to present the Construction Contract for signing.
The commencement of works on site is always an exciting time for all involved. Urbane will have the Issued for Construction drawings ready for presentation and introduce you to the construction team.
Handover and Aftercare
At handover, Urbane guide you through the unique features of your home, compiling a valuable reference guide for essential home care maintenance.